Holiday season is my favorite time of the year now a days since becoming a mommy of two little girls! The excitement on Madison’s face is everything when she see’s Christmas lights! And Maya at only 10 months old knows a thing or two of this holiday excitement while she tries to eat the ornaments off the tree.So now that we have the girls, Steven and I have started our own family traditions with them. Such as setting up the house with Christmas decorations, putting lights on the house, baking cookies, drinking hot cocoa in our Christmas jammies, all while listening to Christmas music. The girls will be taking pictures with Santa this coming week and I’m so excited because it will be Maya’s first time meeting Santa Clause! (Can’t wait to share those pictures with you guys!) And the biggest thing on my husbands list is creating Santa’s foot prints by the fire-place to the Christmas tree. He truly wants to make the holidays magical for the girls and I’m sure that he will!
So besides all the holiday commotion, we usually take the girls to see the tree lighting in the evenings in Rancho Cucamonga. And during the day time they can run around the grass area and play in the sleigh they have set up for fun pictures. So what perfect time to dress up the girls in their cute Gymboree outfits and for this mama to capture some moments for our holiday cards that we send out every year.
Gymboree has always had the cutest clothes for little girls! Beginning with their cute head pieces down to their shoes. Their clothes have always been great quality and durable especially when you have a crawler like mine that wants to crawl just about anywhere she can. I always know that Gymboree will be my one stop to shop for the girls perfect outfits all year round. Especially for special occasions like Christmas time!
Madison is my girly girl! She’s only two but she’s all about her dresses and boots right now. She is wearing her Warm and Fuzzy Dress with Tall Boots, Snowflake Tights, and Star Headband. Her most favorite piece has been this Cub Hoodie because of the little ears. Luckily for her it’s finally starting to feel like winter in California so she can wear it as much as she wants. How cute is this outfit for my little diva! Definitely the cutest and the best part of it all she is pretty warm and cozy.
As for my little babe, here she is styling her Swan Bodysuit with her Tutu Leggings, Fleece Jacket and Gold Crib Shoes. And to top it off how cute is Soft Crown Headband guys! I mean she looks like a total little princess right!?It warms my heart that this is The Best Time To Be A Kid for my nuggets! Nothing like starting our holiday family traditions with them and just seeing their little faces light up with joy makes it all worth it!
Check out Gymboree for a great selection of clothes for you babes. Especially right now for the holidays, they have some of the cutest outfits!
What are some of your family traditions? Do you still have childhood traditions you have passed down to your children or hope to pass down in the future? Leave a comment and let me know because I am curious.