New Year, New Resolutions


Can you guys believe that we are 4 weeks into the new year already!? I know I can’t! But what I can believe is that I am back and this time I will be posting fun recipes, adventures and a lot of my favorite things on here. I think I finally have gotten my schedule figured out to be able to balance it all… well kind of. Because let’s be honest, sometimes life just happens and as a working mom I try to do my best all-around and not beat myself up for it!

(Treated myself to an ice cream today while I wait for this snow storm to pass.)

Well first things first, what are some of your new year’s resolutions you have made for yourselves? For me it has been finding a balance for basically every task in my life and also doing more me time. Sometimes I feel like as parents we forget that we’re humans too. So, this year I am making it a priority to treat myself to things such as Mani/Pedi’s, that outfit I might have seen at the store, even a girl’s trip or just a trip with my hubby and not feel guilty about it. Because at the end of the day a happy (and sane) wife/mom equals a happy life… am I right!?

(I also see a lot more trips to Disneyland with these cuties, because they’re just magical.)

I also want to start taking my babies on more adventures. Maybe this year will be the year we will take them on their first international trip. They are just growing so fast and I want to just make the most beautiful memories with them and Steven. But we will see in time and see what the year brings for us. Now let me know what are your resolutions below! I can’t wait to hear what your guys’ goals are for the year.

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