Our First Family Trip

Our First Family Trip

We have officially been on our first family vacation and out of all places, we decided to go to Waikiki! This is Madison’s second commercial flight and Maya’s first. The anxiety of traveling with toddlers was up the roof, I’m not going to lie. But we survived and had an amazing time. Toddler Essentials One…

This is 2

This is 2

I cannot believe that my little princess is turning 2 tomorrow! Even though it feels like she was just a baby yesterday, she’s now a full-blown twonager. Time literally has flown by. Well today after a long rainy, busy day I made her a small little cake for tomorrow. It’s nothing crazy or fancy but something…

Finding Storage

Finding Storage

Have you ever had the problem of too much bedding and not enough storage for it? I know I have! (Yes, I am raising my hand guys!) It’s mostly been because we have always lived in apartments and most of the time they have almost had non-existent storage space and even now in the house…

Bed Transition with DockATot

Bed Transition with DockATot

There is nothing like having your bed back to yourselves after co-sleeping for over 2 years. We started to co sleep with Madison maybe when she turned 3 months. And yes guys… I loved it! There is nothing like feeling like your little one is safe when they are that close to you. And after…

Celebrating Love

Celebrating Love

Some of you may know and some may not but we’re having a very special wedding this coming month! My mom is getting married you guys!!! We are beyond excited for her! And how perfect is it that she has two grand babies to be there and celebrate this special occasion. I know that she…