Fall Fashion

Fall Fashion

Since becoming a new mommy of two I’ve felt like jeans and a v-neck are the most comfortable thing to wear besides my sweats and t-shirts. My husband in the other hand hates it. He always lets me know how much he misses me dressing up. See before kids I used to always dress up.…

Baby Carrier : Lillie Baby

Baby Carrier : Lillie Baby

I am a big fan of baby carriers since my first born. Baby wearing has been around for centuries all over the world. It’s a technique that comes so handy when you’re trying to either soothe your baby or even have your hands free so you are able to do other things. (*This post is…

Life After Babies

Life After Babies

In case you were wondering, babies do not come with instructions and neither does motherhood or marriage. Steven and I planned to have our first baby once we were closer in our 30's. We were emotionally prepared, had stabled jobs and we were financially ready as well. At least we thought we were. No one ever…

DockATot & The Staggie Babies

DockATot & The Staggie Babies

Whenever parents tell you that their kids are great at taking naps they're lying to you! Ok maybe not all parents but for instance my girls have been horrible nappers since the day they were born. I kid you not! I feel like maybe I'm just cursed or maybe it's just my kids, because all…

Let’s Go Shopping With Binxy Baby

Let’s Go Shopping With Binxy Baby

Let’s talk about shopping with little ones for a minute. Basically every time I’ve gone shopping it feels like a disaster. Nothing ever fits in the cart because I am that mom that puts the baby in the car seat while my toddler sits in the front of the shopping cart. And yes I bring…

Sisters By Chance, Best Friends By Choice

Sisters By Chance, Best Friends By Choice

My little girls how things have changed since you girls came into our lives. Not only do you bring so much happiness to daddy and I but to one another. Madison the day you became a big sister I know you're little life changed drastically. All of a sudden you had a best friend of…

Halfway To A Year 

Halfway To A Year 

How does time just seem to go by fast after having children!? It feels like just yesterday I had Maya and brought her home from the hospital. And now I can't believe that my sweet baby girl is 6 months.  Life is so much sweeter with you in it. You are such a happy baby…

Marry Me In Paris

Marry Me In Paris

Everyone has their love story but of course mine is my favorite. Steven and I are high school sweethearts as you know. I was 16 and he was 17 when we met. We've been together for 14 years now. Which 4 of those we've been officially married for. Our relationship wasn't always butterflies and rainbows…

Freshly Picked

Freshly Picked

If you ever met my daughter Madison you know she loves being barefoot when we are home. But the minute you let her know we will be heading out she's running to get her shoes so we can go "bye bye". Lately her favorite go to shoes are her Freshly Picked moccasins. It gives her…

Mixed Chicks For My Mixed Chicks

Mixed Chicks For My Mixed Chicks

Here's a fun fact about me, I actually have long curly hair that I straighten all the time. Ok it's more like every 4 days and yes that means I don't wash it everyday but I do use a lot of dry shampoo which essentially does the same thing right! Plus washing your hair everyday can be damaging…